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Container Gardening

Vegetable container gardening is a great way to grow healthy fruits and vegetables at home without the need of large areas of open space! Nearly anything one can grow in the ground can be grown in a container. It just takes some imagination, determination, and guidance (from sources like the ones below.) 

Container gardening for beginners 

Author: Growing In The Garden

Container gardening is a simple and inexpensive way to get started in the gardening world. You can garden anywhere with containers. Add a container to a balcony, deck, or sidewalk, and you’re ready to go.

How to Grow Tomatoes, Eggplants, & Peppers in Containers

Author: Burpee Gardening

In this video, you will learn how to grow tomatoes, peppers, and even eggplants in containers on your deck, porch, or patio! 

Printable Resources and Websites: 

  • Better Home and Gardens- This website is complete with videos, ideas, and great tips for those new to vegetable container gardening. It also has a comprehensive list of vegetables and the best-size containers to grow them. 

  • The Farmer's Almanac- This is a guide on the multiple elements to have a successful vegetable container gardening.. The website also has useful comment sections with tips and questions from other container gardeners. 

  • The Farmer's Almanac- Guide to Making Your Own Potting Soil 

  • The Missouri Botanical Garden-  Top 10 Veggies for Containers

  • University of Illinois Extension- Quick Reference of Vegetables and the Best Container Size


Supplies and Ideas:

Bonnie Plants

  • This site has a nice collection of step-by-step "how-to" guides for creating themed container gardens.


Burpee Seeds

  • This site offers basic information for getting started with container gardening, as well as a video, and links on their site to purchase seeds and plants.

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