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Garden Resource Hub
Plant Diseases:
Diagnosis and Prevention
Common plant diseases can seriously impact your plants and crop yield. Taking preventative measures is the best way to ensure your plants stay disease-fee all season long. Learn about how to practice prevention, diagnose and treat common garden diseases with this collection of resources!
Tomato Diseases and Problems - Part 1
Author: Burpee Gardening
The video presents the most common tomato diseases and problems specifically: septoria, blossom end rot, and early blight.
Tomato Diseases and Problems - Part 2
Author: Burpee Gardening
The video presents the most common tomato diseases and problems specifically: bacterial speck and spot, fruit cracking, and stink bug damage.
How to Prune Tomatoes to Increase Yields, Prevent Disease, and Ripen Fruit Faster
Author: Alberta Urban Garden
The video discusses how to prune tomatoes and take preventative measures to keep tomatoes healthy, productive, and disease free.
How to Control Powdery Mildew with Milk
Author: CaliKim 2 Garden & Home
Powdery mildew is a common garden fungal disease that can stunt the growth of your plants. This video explains how to control it using a simple milk spray.
Plant Disease Basics, ID, Management and Prevention
Printable Resources:
Resource Guide for Organic Insect and Disease Management: This guide from Cornell University, The Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, and New York State Integrated Pest Management Program gives an extensive overview of crop-specific pests and diseases accompanied by organic methods of management. Note that this resource is designed for farm-scale production so recommendations may not be ideal for the home garden.
Key Vegetable Problems: This resource from UNH Extension describes some common vegetable problems for a variety of vegetable crops and recommendations for treatment
10 Easy Steps to Prevent Common Garden Diseases: This resource from UNH Extension details a list of 10 simple steps you can take to prevent common garden diseases. Remember, prevention is the best avenue for keeping your plants healthy and disease-free.
Bradley, F.M., Ellis, B.W., Martin, D.L., 2009. The Organic Gardener’s Handbook of natural insect and disease control. Rodale Press, New York, NY.
Homeyer, H. 2015. The New Hampshire gardener's companion: An Insider's guide to gardening in the granite state. (2nd ed). Rowman & Littlefield, Guilford, CT.
Additional Crop/Disease-Specific Resources
Printable Resources:
Tomato Leaf Spots: This resource from UNH Extension describes how to diagnose Early Blight and Septoria Leaf Spots as well as treatment options.
Some Common Tomato Problems: This resource from UNH Extension discusses Blossom-End Rot and other tomato problems such as cracking and leaf curling.
Resources on Performing Plant Disease Tests
Below are links to plant diagnostics testing services from cooperative extension offices/universities in New England. For questions on how to collect samples for these tests, refer to your state's information and call your state's plant diagnostic lab with questions.