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Plant Diseases:

Diagnosis and Prevention

Common plant diseases can seriously impact your plants and crop yield. Taking preventative measures is the best way to ensure your plants stay disease-fee all season long. Learn about how to practice prevention, diagnose and treat common garden diseases with this collection of resources!

Tomato Diseases and Problems - Part 1 

Author: Burpee Gardening

The video presents the most common tomato diseases and problems specifically: septoria, blossom end rot, and early blight.

Tomato Diseases and Problems - Part 2 

Author: Burpee Gardening

The video presents the most common tomato diseases and problems specifically: bacterial speck and spot, fruit cracking, and stink bug damage.

How to Prune Tomatoes to Increase Yields, Prevent Disease, and Ripen Fruit Faster 

Author: Alberta Urban Garden

The video discusses how to prune tomatoes and take preventative measures to keep tomatoes healthy, productive, and disease free. 

How to Control Powdery Mildew with Milk 

Author: CaliKim 2 Garden & Home

Powdery mildew is a common garden fungal disease that can stunt the growth of your plants. This video explains how to control it using a simple milk spray.

Plant Disease Basics, ID, Management and Prevention

Printable Resources:

  • Resource Guide for Organic Insect and Disease Management: This guide from Cornell University, The Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, and New York State Integrated Pest Management Program gives an extensive overview of crop-specific pests and diseases accompanied by organic methods of management. Note that this resource is designed for farm-scale production so recommendations may not be ideal for the home garden. 

  • Key Vegetable Problems: This resource from UNH Extension describes some common vegetable problems for a variety of vegetable crops and recommendations for treatment

  • 10 Easy Steps to Prevent Common Garden Diseases: This resource from UNH Extension details a list of 10 simple steps you can take to prevent common garden diseases. Remember, prevention is the best avenue for keeping your plants healthy and disease-free.


  • Bradley, F.M., Ellis, B.W., Martin, D.L., 2009. The Organic Gardener’s Handbook of natural insect and disease control. Rodale Press, New York, NY.

  • Homeyer, H. 2015. The New Hampshire gardener's companion: An Insider's guide to gardening in the granite state. (2nd ed). Rowman & Littlefield, Guilford, CT. 

Additional Crop/Disease-Specific Resources

Printable Resources:

  • Tomato Leaf Spots: This resource from UNH Extension describes how to diagnose Early Blight and Septoria Leaf Spots as well as treatment options.

  • Some Common Tomato Problems: This resource from UNH Extension discusses Blossom-End Rot and other tomato problems such as cracking and leaf curling.

Resources on Performing Plant Disease Tests

Below are links to plant diagnostics testing services from cooperative extension offices/universities in New England. For questions on how to collect samples for these tests, refer to your state's information and call your state's plant diagnostic lab with questions.

Community Garden Connections (CGC) - 2017 by Maria Dellapina

An initiative of Antioch University New England

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