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Food Preservation

Preserving food at home is an economical and ecologically sound way to eat seasonally and enjoy the harvest bounty all year long. However, great caution must be exercised when preserving food to ensure its safe consumption at a later date. Always follow recipes and instructions exactly as they read, especially when canning. By exercising caution you too can enjoy the taste of summer all year!

Food Preservation Methods 

Author: Oklahoma Gardening

This video walks you through the two basic types of canning and how to safely can using a pressure canner. 

Food Preservation Methods 

Author: Michigan State University Extension

The video demonstrates how to can vegetables safely using the traditional water bath canning method

Video Series:

Printable Resources and Websites:


  • Ball. 2009. Ball Blue Book guide to preserving. Hearthmark LLC, Dalesville, IN.

  • Better Homes and Gardens. 2015. Complete canning guide. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Boston, MA

  • Chadwick, J. 2009. The Beginner's Guide to preserving food at Home. (3rd ed.) Storey Publishing, North Adams, MA.

  • Homeyer, H. 2015. The New Hampshire gardener's companion: An Insider's guide to gardening in the granite state. (2nd ed). Rowman & Littlefield, Guilford, CT. 

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